Reportedly, officials from the Internal Revenue Service could not be reached for comment regarding a documentary on the agency that opened yesterday in select theaters across the country.
That hardly seems surprising, given the author’s comment that the IRS administers a system based on progressive taxation of earnings that “came out of the 1850s with Karl Marx and the communist manifesto.”
Craig Bergham, a syndicated radio host who is also the author and producer of the film entitled “Unfair: Exposing the IRS,” is clearly not a fan of the agency or enamored of what he terms its “out-of control” tactics.
In fact, he alleges that the IRS engages in unconstitutional practices and needs to abolished.
That is obviously heady stuff and bound to garner attention. Some Americans — especially those in Minnesota and elsewhere who believe they are taxed too highly or have been unfairly targeted or treated by the IRS — will likely agree with Bergham.
Most discussions across the country that focus on IRS power and strategies, though, certainly don’t center on the agency’s unconstitutionality or elimination. After all, the government’s right to collect taxes is centuries old and expressly acknowledged in the nation’s Constitution.
Many viewers might find the film an interesting experience, though, regardless of their political leanings or views regarding the IRS generally.
Candidly, it would take an extensive search to find a taxpayer who truly esteems the IRS and is enthralled with the annual experience of completing his or her tax return.
Most of us simply accept that the agency exists and make a good-faith effort to complete required forms and attend to our taxes with accuracy.
Admittedly, that can sometimes be a chore and, in some instances, lead to tax-related inaccuracies and an agency challenge.
In such a case, a filer will find it far more beneficial to enlist the help of a proven tax attorney than to hold out hopes that the agency will suddenly disappear.
It won’t. And while it’s around, an attorney who commands broad experience dealing with it can safeguard a client’s legal rights and optimally promote his or her best interests.
Source: Fox News, “New documentary argues to completely abolish the IRS,” Hollie McKay, Oct. 14, 2014