It is no secret that the economy is recovering from a major slump. Small business owners as well as individuals have felt the pocketbook pinch. When it comes to taxes however, a slow economy is no excuse for non-payment of taxes according to either the Internal Revenue Service or the Minnesota Department of Revenue. Itcontinue reading…
Back Taxes Or Tax Debt
How Minnesota ranks in taxes for business
Whether we choose to live in Minnesota depends on many factors, including the weather, quality schools, access to social amenities and the ability to find a good job. For some, it also depends on the tax rate. For a business, it is much more complicated. Does the state have educated employees? And what is thecontinue reading…
Back taxes pose political problem for state lawmaker
It is an unfortunate reality in life that when you run for elected office, your life becomes more public as a result. Most of the time this does not pose an issue for Minnesota lawmakers who find it possible to exist largely out of the media spotlight. Occasionally however, the spotlight falls upon something thatcontinue reading…
Recording artist may need to pay a princely sum, says IRS
In previous posts we have alerted our Minneapolis readers about the perils of ignoring letters from the Internal Revenue Service about back taxes owed. The IRS is seeking to step up its collections through audits and an increased emphasis on unreported income from offshore bank accounts. Other countries are cooperating with the IRS in thiscontinue reading…
IRS whistleblower jailed, and rewarded
Our Minnesota readers are no doubt aware that the Internal Revenue Service is looking for money. The agency is looking to collect uncollected taxes, trying to find and stop tax fraud, conducting audits and offering amnesty for those with offshore bank accounts. The IRS also has a whistleblower program with millions ready to give tocontinue reading…